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Fizzwidget Feed-O-Matic. URL Copy. CT UnitFrames. Warrior Button. Cooldown Timers. A WoW AddOn which tries to detect enemies in the near vicinity. Detection is done by registering to events which are triggered by enemy players. This AddOn is about alerting the player of enemies and not supposed to hunt down enemies or used in a PvP Raid.
In later it might even create unwanted noise. Discord Action Bars. AutoRepair KC. Bongos Minimap. Guild Event Manager.
Titan Panel Recomended Zone. Bongos RollBar. OneBag Sorter. SHunter Timers. QuestHaste is a small Addon for vanilla World of Warcraft 1. Alterac Valley quests. Fizzwidget Disenchant Predict. Telo BuffTimers. Titan Panel Atlas. CT MasterMod. Spell Timer. CT RaidAssist. TNE Nightfall. Titan Panel Repair. Titan Panel Mail. X-Perl Raid Admin. Improved Talent Frame.
You can see and interact with all three talent trees at once. Summary of your learned and planned talent points at the top. Plan your alts’ templates. Displays notification if target is in range as well as to change the action bar based on range of the target and configurable key spell cast buttons that will allow a single key to cast different spells depending on the target’s range.
Profession Level. Titan Panel Ammo. SuperInspect UI. QuestItem stores an in-game database over quest items and tell you which quest they belong to. Useful to find out if you are still on the quest.
Group event calendar. What this mod does is increases the amount of quests you can see in your log without scrolling to a maximum of 20 items. AH MailCollect. Discord Library. CT BarMod. SCT Options. Satrina Buff Frames. Find players and groups 2. Flag yourself as LFG 3. Find more players for your group. Master Control Program. Titan CritLine. Saves your high normal and critical damage records and flashes a message if your break the record.
CT Timer. Titan Panel Speed. Configurable set of buttons that seeks out configured items in your pack for use. Intended primarily for consumables. Not for use with spells. Totem Menu. Titan Panel Regen. A semi-transparent worldmap overlay that does not interupt character control. Update by telic hotmail. Addon Organizer. Discord Action Bars Options. Telo SelfCast. Supports optional Alt self-casting and auto self-targeting for beneficial spells.
Titan Panel Quests. Dhasks FlightMap. Titan Panel ItemBonuses. CT Buffmod. Titan Panel Guild. Titan Panel Soul Shards. Titan Panel Roll. Note It. Titan Panel LootType. Tooltip Wrangler. Allows the user to move the tooltips freely about the screen. Search an in-game database to find where the pet skill and rank you need is located. Titan Pet Info. Titan Panel HonorPlus. RightClick SelfCast. Clean Player Frame. CT Viewport. Character Status Compare. Alliance Horde Translator. Wow Instant Mesenger.
Titan Panel Friends. SpellAlert SCT. Master Trade Skill. This AddOn adjusts the display of the tooltips to show which recipe is being used by the item your hovering above. A comprehensive set of all reagents and components used by tradeskills. Titan Panel Combat Info.
No configuration required. Titan Plugin Zone Level. Simple Combat Log. Titan Panel EmoteMenu. Improve Dressing Room. ICU-I see you. Basically you have a window that has a list of names of your current raid in. The names are automatically arranged according to the player’s remaining hp all the time.
The player with the lowest hp is on top. CT PlayerNotes. Nurfed ActionBars. La Vendetta Boss Mods. Discord Art. Titan Panel Skills. Healing AddOn that places healing buttons beside the player portrait and beside the portraits of all party members. Improved Macro. SCTD Options.
Ultimate UI. Discord Unit Frames. Telo LootLink-Enhanced. Kwraz flightpath tracker. CastingBar Time. Nurfed General. Frowning Circle. Intense Mass Auction. CT BottomBar. Priest Helper. Ankh Cooldown Timer. Alkitron Honor Tab. LootLink Database Adder. Improved Ignore. Cirks Fastcast. Titan Panel Factions. Banzai Alert. Bag Status Meters. Druid Helper. SCT Killing Blows. Buy Poisons.
CT QuestLevels. Loot Hog. Titan Panel ZeppelinMaster. Discord Frame Modifier. Group Buttons. UberQuest Reborn. Characters Viewer. Nurfed PlayerFrame. Titan Panel StanceSets. CT Tickmod. Drathals HUD. CT PartyBuffs. Mozz Full World Map. Bhaldie Recommend Level.
Displays the zone level range of the zone you are in and also gives you a suggested zone to be in. Stop The Spam. Action Mirroring Frame. CT RaidTracker. Fizzwidget AutoCraft. Mage Helper. Level Wizard. Nurfed Utility. Discord Unit Frames Options. Titan Panel Rider. CTRA Spy. Defend Yourself. Advanced Timers. Tracking Menu.
Replaces the tracking icon on the minimap with an icon that has a pop-up menu for tracking abilities. Advanced Weapon Stats. Aspect Menu. Adds an icon to the minimap cluster that provides a popup menu of currently available aspect abilities. Discord Art Options. ABHelper Estimated Final score. FollowMe Enhanced. Fizzwidget Reagent Cost. Buttonhole Advanced. Friend and Ignore Share. Titan Plugin Itemized Deduct. Talent Sequence. Nurfed CombatLog. Titan Panel FriendsX. An extended friends list for the Titan Panel AddOn.
Emote Reply. CT MapMod. Titan Panel Bginfo. Drathals HUD Options. Titan Timers. Slash GM. CT ShieldMod. Target Raid Icons. Loot Counter. Spell Timer Enemy. Titan Panel Clock Wrangler. Titan Panel ZoneSpeed. Moog HUD. Nurfed Options Menu. Addon JudgeHype. Boss Block. Fizzwidget AdSpace.
Mobile Minimap Buttons. Adds totem events to Flexbar and adds totem timers and a totem stomper option to FlexBar buttons. Titan Parchment. CT MovableParty. Titan Panel ClockOffsetFix. Titan Panel Check Stone. AF ToolTip. Mana Minder. Guild Profiler. Titan BattleTracker.
SCT ManaGain. Movable Bags. AuctionHouse Favorites. Provides a warning message when your current ammo supply reaches a set number. Also provides warnings at set intervals below that limit and warnings every shot under a critical limit. Stop The Addon Spam. Combat Sentry Gizmo. Corpse Info. CT AllBags. Guild Tools. Type Debuff. Serious BuffTimers.
Does various notifications about you and your pet if you have one condition via emotes and chat messages. Pet Bindings. Knorr Spirit Sphere. Duel Inspect. Titan BMRecLevel. Viper System Message Control. Class Viewer.
Party Spotter. CT BagMod. CooldownCount -FlexBar. Skrom Totem Timer. AH ShowBid. Spell Book Tag. Available Only. Written by Acuzod aka Forrest. A simple way to enable the smooth health fading features of Blizzards Health Bar interface item. CT ItemBuffs. Allows you to click on url’s and copy them into a browser. Also keeps a list of all url’s seen. Gypsy BuffBar. EX Mash Mana Conserve. Raid Wipe Fault. This AddOn displays who’s at fault for the raid or instance wipe.
It picks a random person from the raid and pokes fun at them. Bonho Friends Frame. Puts messages when a non party member is going to cast a spell in the center of the screen.
Rewrite of SpellAlert from Awen. Answering Machine. Tactical Emote Bindings. Fizzwidget Linkerator. Friends Facts. Fizzwidget Enchant Seller. CT ExpenseHistory. Ralak Needy List. Link Wrangler. Use By Name. CT HailMod. Voices From Beyond.
DynamicData aims to be for dynamic data in WoW what Sea is for lua functions – a library with stuff that gets updated in a timely manner. Popular Addons. Classic TBC Wrath. Questie Classic Downloads Recount — Classic Downloads OneBag3 Classic Downloads Bagnon Downloads Vendor Price Downloads Questie A standalone Vanilla QuestHelper 1 2 3 4 5.
AtlasLoot Enhanced Shows the possible loot from the bosses 1 2 3 4 5. Bagnon Displays the player’s inventory in a single frame. Enemy Cast Bar Shows a replication of your targets cast bar. EquipCompare Compare items easily with ones you have equipped 2. SellValue Display the sell value of an item when not at a vendor 1 2 3 4 5. Gatherer Addon that remembers node locations. Cartographer Addon to manipulate the map 1 2 3 4 5. Auctioneer Displays item info and analyzes auction data.
MobHealth Displays current and maximum health numbers for targeted mobs. MoveAnything Addon that allows you to move UI components 1 2 3 4 5. Postal An Extension to the Blizzard mail interface. Attack bar timer Displays a progress bar for your attack speed 1 2 3 4 5. CooldownCount Allows you to see time until actions have cooled down in the buttons.
AUX The most advanced auction house addOn for the 1. Outfitter Outfitter 1 2 3 4 5. Stubby Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks [3. EnhTooltip Used to display enhanced tooltips under the original tooltip or in the original tooltip 1 2 3 4 5.
EnergyWatch Displays energy ticks and combo points on a progress bar 1 2 3 4 5. SuperMacro Unlimited ‘Super’ macros hold up to letters. Mikes Scrolling Battle Text Scrolls battle information around the character model. X-Perl Player Frame Replaces the default player frame. Natur Enemy Castbar Shows a replication of your targets cast bar 1 2 3 4 5.
HealBot Adds panel with skinable bars for healing and decursive 1 2 3 4 5. Bongos Movable Bar Framework 1 2 3 4 5. Big Wigs Boss Mods with Timer bars. OneBag One bag to rule them all 1 2 3 4 5. Decursive This is a raid cleaning mod.
The idea behind this is to iterate though the raid party 1 2 3 4 5. DoTimer Displays duration timers for DoTs 1 2 3 4 5. Grid A modular 1 2 3 4 5. Informant Displays detailed item information in tooltips 1 2 3 4 5. PallyPower This Addon solves that issue where you have 5 Paladins in your Raid and no one can decide who is Buffing what.
If anyone is missing a buff you are assigned the Class 1 2 3 4 5. LevelRange Shows the zone level range on the World Map. TheoryCraft Tells you everything about an ability 1 2 3 4 5.
TrinketMenu AddOn to manage trinkets 1 2 3 4 5. EzDismount Dismounts you when opening Flightpath 1 2 3 4 5. Power Auras Possibly the most complicated Addon I have ever used it is also one of the most powerful. Enchantrix Display information in item tooltips pertaining to the results of disenchanting said item.
QuickLoot Automatically positions the most relevant part of the loot window under your cursor 1 2 3 4 5. Prat A framework for chat frame modules. DamageMeters Displays accumulated damage totals for you and nearby players. X-Perl Target Frame Replaces the default target frame. Clique A simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world. HealComm Visual representation of incoming heals 1 2 3 4 5. ItemRack Context menus for inventory items 1 2 3 4 5.
Xloot A remake of the built-in lootframe. X-Perl Party Frame Replaces the default party frames. Fishing Buddy Help with fishing related tasks — clothing 1 2 3 4 5.
Bagnon-Core Core functionality for Bagnon and Banknon 1 2 3 4 5. Cooldowns This addOn adds frames with icons and countdowns for enemies’ as well as your own cooldowns.
Bongos ActionBar A replacement for the main actionbar 1 2 3 4 5. FuBar 2 A panel that modules can plug into. AtlasQuest Shows the Quests for the instance. CT MailMod Allows you to send multiple mails to the same person 1 2 3 4 5.
StunWatch Displays a progress bar for Rogue stuns 1 2 3 4 5. Ace AddOn development framework 1 2 3 4 5. BonusScanner Scans your Equipment for cumulative item bonuses and sums them up. Weapon Quick Swap Function for quickly swapping between 2 weapon sets 1 2 3 4 5. BuffWatch Keeps track of buffs on party members in a small window and highlights them if they have run out 1 2 3 4 5.
Align Grid to align UI elements. Compare Stats Determine the overall stat changes a piece of equipment will have before equiping it. Shammy Buff Simplifies self buffing and cleansing. Alot of other options as well. SilverDragon Remember where rares were 1 2 3 4 5. BasicExperienceBar Moveable experience bar replacement. Titan Durability A Titan Plugin to let you know your durability. CasterStats-2 Adds information about stats relevant to casters to the character screen. AutoAttack Automatically attack enemies 1 2 3 4 5.
FlightMap Adds a tooltip to the world map showing flightpaths into and out of regions 1 2 3 4 5. Recipe Radar Locates vendors who sell recipes in the current region or by profession. TNE FiveSec Displays remaining time of the five seconds before mana regeneration is fully activated after casting a spell. Banknon Display’s the player’s bank in a single frame. Spell Alert Warns the player of the spell being casting from the hostile units.
Bongos Options An options menu for Bongos 1 2 3 4 5. FuBar-Experience Keeps track of experience. ZHunterMod Includes several features to make a hunter’s life easier. Bagnon-Options A configuration menu for Bagnon 1 2 3 4 5. TinyTip Adds reaction coloring 1 2 3 4 5. FlightTime Measures flight times and displays them for you.
Clean Up This is the library version to be used with e. Distance target distance 1 2 3 4 5. Buffalo Customizing your buff display 1 2 3 4 5. OneBank One bag to rule them all 1 2 3 4 5. Elkano BuffBar Shows player’s buffs and debuffs as bars 1 2 3 4 5. Recap Displays the damage and healing of all participants in combat 1 2 3 4 5. EnemyBuffTimersVanilla Shows the duration of some enemy buffs on the buffs 1 2 3 4 5. MonkeyQuest 1 2 3 4 5. PetFeeder Version 3.
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow An improved window for your tradeskills v0. Fizzwidget Hunter Helper Helps you find tameable beasts to learn pet skills from. QuestLink Allows sending quest as link 1 2 3 4 5. Doctor Druid Several macros for making a druids life easier. Bagnon-Forever Allows the viewing of the bank from anywhere and the inventory of your other characters.
AutoBuff Auto-casts self-buffs 1 2 3 4 5. Fizzwidget Feed-O-Matic Helps a Hunter keep his pets well fed and the food in his inventory under control 1 2 3 4 5. MangAdmin Many GMs are frustrated. This addon liberates them. Warrior Button Provides a super intelligent function for warriors 1 2 3 4 5.
Lern2Spell Automatically upgrades spells on your actionbars 1 2 3 4 5. Cooldown Timers Brings up bars with the cooldown of your spells.
MiniCoords Show coordinates on Minimap. ClassIcons Displays class icons near your target’s and party members’ portraits 1 2 3 4 5. RogueSpam Filters out some of the annoying error messages during combat as a rogue 1 2 3 4 5. Discord Action Bars Spreads your base action buttons across 10 configurable bars.
Bongos Minimap A customizable 1 2 3 4 5. Guild Event Manager 1 2 3 4 5. CleanMinimap Provides total control over your minimap. Naked Naked! KillMore Displays estimated mobs needed for next level based on last kill 1 2 3 4 5. Titan Panel Recomended Zone Displays level for current zone and recommends zones and instances for your level. Bongos RollBar Makes the frame for rolling on items movable 1 2 3 4 5.
OneBag Sorter One bag to rule them all 1 2 3 4 5. CensusPlus Collects and displays census information. AceLoot Automatically positions the most relevant part of the loot window under your cursor. AutoProfit 1 2 3 4 5. SmartHeal Auto heal rank calculation and auto target healing 1 2 3 4 5.
Alterac Valley quests 1 2 3 4 5. MinimapButtonBag Reduces minimap buttons and makes them accessible through a menu! Fizzwidget Disenchant Predict A quick reference to sources of Enchanting materials. AutoInvite Automatically sends a group invite to someone who whispers you using the prescribed string.
SuperInspect SuperInspect 1 2 3 4 5. Telo BuffTimers Adds mini buff timers under the top right buff icons. FuBar-Bartender2 FuBar 2. Spell Timer Dispaly some timer with progress bar to remind user how long the spells will remains. ChatBox Removes the chat buttons 1 2 3 4 5. QuestLevels Adds level information to the quest log 1 2 3 4 5.
LazyRogue Scriptable Rogue Attacks. Titan Panel Repair Adds the ability to auto repair items and invemntory at vendors 1 2 3 4 5.
Also remembers any Auction alerts 1 2 3 4 5. X-Perl Raid Admin Provides useful raid admin tools for todays raid leader. LootFilter Allows you to automatically filter items on quality 1 2 3 4 5. ArchiTotem All totems on 4 barslots! TinyTipExtras Adds extra features to your tooltip 1 2 3 4 5. RangeHelp Displays notification if target is in range as well as to change the action bar based on range of the target and configurable key spell cast buttons that will allow a single key to cast different spells depending on the target’s range.
RangeColor Change the icon color when out of range 1 2 3 4 5. Profession Level Shows the minimum gathering level of profession resource nodes on mouseover. Opium KoS manager and player info 1 2 3 4 5. BGAssist Handy stuff Battlegrounds 1 2 3 4 5. ChatScroll Makes chat windows scrollable with the mouse wheel. QuestItem QuestItem stores an in-game database over quest items and tell you which quest they belong to.
Useful to find out if you are still on the quest 1 2 3 4 5. FastQuest Displays quest levels 1 2 3 4 5. Antagonist Tracks enemy casting times 1 2 3 4 5.
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– Bartender 4 – Getting Started Guide | Stock bars | WoW Guides | WoW guides
When it comes to customization, the addons were all pretty comparable.
– Wow addon bartender 3.3 5 free
If you find an Addon that has a broken download link or any other problem, please Contact me! A large collection of Vanilla WoW Addons 1.
Aimes to be a full replacement for the original Wow interface in a single Addon. The design is highly inspired by TukUI and ElvUI which I never used as well as several other screenshots I found around the web during the last 10 years.
AtlasLoot Enhanced. DPSMate is not only a meter which shows numbers of the raid, such as damage done, damage taken, dispells etc. Enemy Cast Bar. Displays item info and analyzes auction data. Bartender 2. Attack bar timer. The most advanced auction house addOn for the 1. Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks [3. Power Hour UI. Unlimited ‘Super’ macros hold up to letters.
Run macros with keybindings and through other macros. In-game code extender editor. Item link into macros. Tooltips over macros on actionbars. Convenient slash commands and functions. Mikes Scrolling Battle Text. X-Perl Player Frame. Titan Panel. Natur Enemy Castbar. Extended QuestLog. Extended QuestLog is an extension of the questlog. Choose from different layouts as well as many nice features.
Big Wigs. This Addon solves that issue where you have 5 Paladins in your Raid and no one can decide who is Buffing what. You can change what buffs you want to give out then just mash the Class Button for each Class type until they all Turn Green.
If anyone is missing a buff you are assigned the Class. Improved Error Frame. X-Perl UnitFrames Core. Power Auras. Possibly the most complicated Addon I have ever used it is also one of the most powerful. You can build custom Visual and Audio warnings for virtually any situation in the Game. Blizzard added similar Visual Warnings in Cataclysm. Display information in item tooltips pertaining to the results of disenchanting said item.
X-Perl Options. Druid Bar. Titan Panel XP. X-Perl Target Frame. A simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on your unit frames and in the 3D game world. X-Perl Party Frame. Fishing Buddy. Bongos ActionBar. FuBar 2. X-Perl Target Target Frame.
X-Perl RaidFrames. CT MailMod. Titan Panel Money. X-Perl Player Pet Frame. Titan Panel Coords. Weapon Quick Swap. Keeps track of buffs on party members in a small window and highlights them if they have run out. MobInfo2 Browser. Compare Stats. Custom Nameplates. Shammy Buff. SW Stats. Titan Panel Clock. Titan Durability.
Titan Panel Bag. Recipe Radar. TNE FiveSec. Displays remaining time of the five seconds before mana regeneration is fully activated after casting a spell. Spell Alert. Call Of Elements. Bongos Options. X-Perl Party Pet Frame. Missing Trade Skills List. CThun Warner. Titan Panel Performance. Clean Up.
X-Perl Raid Helper. Elkano BuffBar. Samuel Swing Timer. BananaBar Raid Symbols. Titan Panel XPBar. Fizzwidget Hunter Helper. The AddOn provides a lot functions to customize it to your tastes and adds a lot of helpful functions for a better overview, which is its purpose in the first place anyway.
Doctor Druid. Allows the viewing of the bank from anywhere and the inventory of your other characters. Fizzwidget Feed-O-Matic. URL Copy. CT UnitFrames. Warrior Button. Cooldown Timers. A WoW AddOn which tries to detect enemies in the near vicinity. Detection is done by registering to events which are triggered by enemy players. This AddOn is about alerting the player of enemies and not supposed to hunt down enemies or used in a PvP Raid. In later it might even create unwanted noise.
Discord Action Bars. AutoRepair KC. Bongos Minimap. Guild Event Manager. Titan Panel Recomended Zone. Bongos RollBar. OneBag Sorter. SHunter Timers.