Microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free.How can I get rid of the “Product Activation Failed” message on Microsoft Word 2010?
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Microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free

NOTE: you can find links to the specific activation instruction for Office or Windows in hyperlinks at the bottom of the article. If none of the other fixes work, do a phone activation. Do not enter anything until the phone system offers you the option to talk to a live service rep.
Explain the problem to them. Except on weekends. You should be at your computer when you call, and you should have your software Product Key available. The wizard provides one or more telephone numbers appropriate for your selection.
Call the Activation Center. The customer service representative asks you for your installation ID displayed on your screen and other relevant information. After your installation ID is verified, you receive a confirmation ID. This will usually complete successfully and activate the software. Please provide it to them immediately. Step 3: Confirmation ID This will be provided by the support to you that you need to enter from boxes A to H to proceed with the activation.
You may click on Next after entering the ID to complete the activation. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help.
Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. Computer crashed and I had to re download Office The program will not activate saying it has been activated to many times. I was told I could re download at any time if it was needed I have accessed Account Management console but can not find any reference to re downloading.
I understand this program will operate for only 30 days without activation. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question 8. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Rohn MVP.
It all depends on “how” you bought office, which license terms you are working under. Retail licenses allow you to have the product key active on at least 2 computers at the same time. And to transfer those installations to new computers when needed. If you bought Office installed at the factory you had an “OEM” license. They have the same terms. It cannot be transferred to another computer.
But they don’t give the message you are getting. There is another class of licenses. They are generically known as “volume” licenses. They are not sold to individuals, they are sold to companies buying 5 or more licenses at a time. There are 2 types of volume license. One has effectively unlimited number of activations associated with it, and the other has a limited number. These licenses give the sort of message you describe.
Your best bet is to call the “Phone Activation center”. They can give you an exact description of the error associated with your product key. If they don’t give a good answer, ask to speak to a supervisor. What you have to do is when you phone in, don’t bother entering any information when prompted.
You already know it will be rejected. Instead, wait a LONG time until you are given the option of talking to a live “service” rep. Explain the situation to them. Ask for them to explain the activation error. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. This site in other languages x.
– Microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free
Activation can fail if you have multiple copies of Office installed. Let’s uninstall any versions of Office you aren’t using before we continue to troubleshoot. Dec 31, — the following services from manual to automatic. 2. Check for windows updates. 3. Ran an office apps as administrator. Reboot the. To resolve this issue, wait until Windows is activated (see above) and then use a troubleshooter to modify the registry. Click this link to download and use the.
Microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free –
About 2 months ago It required me to activate the suite. I tried using /3456.txt old produst key which it accepted.
When I tried to use Outlook the I recieved the same message. I researched the discussions here and tried whatever made продолжить – all to no avail.
It seemed to me that the easiest solution would be to talk to microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free MS tech but I cannot fine a phone number. Any help would be appreciated.
Please provide more information before we proceed: 1 Do you receive any error when you try activating the Office suite? If yes, what is the complete error? Reply with necessary information and the result to help you further.
Thank you. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. The popup screen is the Activation Wizard which has an error code on the bottom of 0xB.
I followed both links for more info and tried everything they suggested to no avail. The link had several options and I tried all of them.
Hello Richard, Thank you replying. I need more information to help you better:. How did you purchase the Office suite and w hat is the license type of Office Professional ? Is it retail or volume? I went to the TechNet site and read microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free around entries. None addressed an Office system that has been working for over a year and then requires Activation.
Refer to the following article to get more information about the same:. I am sorry this reply took so long but I have been fighting the big C and relegated this task downward.
I spoke to a ‘supervisor’ that directed me to another tech. Everything look okay. I microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free the activate screen and entered reinterred my original CD key. The program accepted in and finished installing the package.
A note said I had to get out of Office and restart it which I did. I am back to the same “Activation Failed” screen with an error code of: 0xB. Where should I go from here? I am thinking посетить страницу packing it in and reformatting and reinstalling everything.
Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse.
Details required :. Cancel Submit. Daniel Jackson. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Daniel Jackson’s post on April 22, I will приведенная ссылка to answer in order: 1 yes. In reply to RichardFrench7’s post on April 22, I need more information to help you better: How did you purchase the Office suite and w hat is the license type of Office Professional ?
In reply to Daniel Jackson’s post on April 23, Thanks for the quick reply, Daniel. I do have an volume license, but not a beta version. I opened the link you supplied and found a lot of new things !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keygen for microsoft office 2010 professional plus 32 bit free download рекомендовать try.
I will let you know the results. In reply to RichardFrench7’s post on April 23, Hello Daniel, I went to the TechNet site and microsoft office 2010 product activation failed remove free through around entries. In reply to Daniel Jackson’s post on April 24, Hello Daniel, I am sorry this reply took so long but I have been fighting the big C and relegated this task downward. In reply to RichardFrench7’s post on April 28, This site in other languages x.