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Objects are linked to the parent shape and you can drag them along the shape to a new position. From this panel you can update the position of all placed objects in a single operation, and check the general status of placed objects.
Civil View lets you create road markings. Road-marking objects are automatically updated when you update or move the parent shape. Parametric rail objects represent a range of safety fences, walls, and even railway tracks. These objects can be associated with any parent shape.
Parametric building objects can generate a range of fully textured 3D buildings quickly and effectively from 2D floor-plan strings. This is an ideal way to quickly populate cityscapes or add simple buildings to the background of your civil engineering visualization model.
You can use Feature Interpretation Styles to associate imported civil-design feature lines with object-placement instructions. This automates the placement of road markings, street furniture, animated vehicles, and so on. Civil View assigns textures automatically, so this feature can have you ready to start rendering within minutes of loading your design model data. Civil View features a render time Sight Checker tool that analyzes rendered frames for Z-depth and geometry-ID information.
You can track objects in the scene such as vehicles or road signs through an animation, with distance and other information relating to the camera and target object being displayed in the rendered frame or written to a text file. Surface-tracking functionality ensures that vehicles cling to the underlying surface terrain.
You can reassign vehicle geometry and color to vehicle proxies to obtain a realistic rendering of real-world traffic-flow data. Traffic import is an aid to visualizing public transport projects such as arterial corridor studies, development of freeway management strategies, and traffic calming schemes.
Civil View includes a localized Country Resource Kit for each target market. You can also define your own personal or project-specific resource kits by activating the associated option in the Civil View Preferences panel. Each resource kit consists of the following features:. Localized parametric and static object libraries. Localized material libraries.
Localized sign face libraries. Sample Swept Object styles. Sample Building Object styles. Sample Object Placement styles. Sample Road Marking styles. Sample Rail Object styles. Sample Feature Interpretation styles. General Overview of Functionality Simple-to-learn user interface The simplicity of using Civil View lies in the Civil View Explorer panel , from which you can access almost every command. It provides an overview of the current state of a visualization, and direct access to the most commonly edited parameters of each object or other element in the scene.
Civil View Geometry Import Panels Civil View provides import support for a number of geometry formats that are specific to civil engineering. This lets you update a Civil View visualization model whenever a design change occurs.
The Imported Object Manager panel provides an overview of all imported geometry. From this panel you can update all imported data in a single operation, and check the status of imported data to see at a glance whether your visualization is out of step with your source design data. The Swept Object Style Editor can remove the need for the production of triangulation data. At its simplest, you can use it to loft objects such as bridges, tunnels, and other structures that follow the path of one or more 3D shapes.
Swept Object Styles can then be saved for later reuse. These styles hold all the parameters necessary to rebuild complex swept objects, including independent sub-material assignments for each element in the style. You can also use it to build complete highway surface models. Such models can include road markings, traffic barriers, embankments, ditches, and variable offsets. The Object Placement Style Editor places additional not imported objects along the path of a shape.
Objects are linked to the parent shape and you can drag them along the shape to a new position. From this panel you can update the position of all placed objects in a single operation, and check the general status of placed objects. Civil View lets you create road markings. Road-marking objects are automatically updated when you update or move the parent shape.
Parametric rail objects represent a range of safety fences, walls, and even railway tracks. These objects can be associated with any parent shape. Parametric building objects can generate a range of fully textured 3D buildings quickly and effectively from 2D floor-plan strings. This is an ideal way to quickly populate cityscapes or add simple buildings to the background of your civil engineering visualization model.
You can use Feature Interpretation Styles to associate imported civil-design feature lines with object-placement instructions. This automates the placement of road markings, street furniture, animated vehicles, and so on. Civil View assigns textures automatically, so this feature can have you ready to start rendering within minutes of loading your design model data.
Civil View features a render time Sight Checker tool that analyzes rendered frames for Z-depth and geometry-ID information. You can track objects in the scene such as vehicles or road signs through an animation, with distance and other information relating to the camera and target object being displayed in the rendered frame or written to a text file. Surface-tracking functionality ensures that vehicles cling to the underlying surface terrain.
You can reassign vehicle geometry and color to vehicle proxies to obtain a realistic rendering of real-world traffic-flow data.
Traffic import is an aid to visualizing public transport projects such as arterial corridor studies, development of freeway management strategies, and traffic calming schemes. Civil View includes a localized Country Resource Kit for each target market.
You can also define your own personal or project-specific resource kits by activating the associated option in the Civil View Preferences panel. Each resource kit consists of the following features:.
Localized parametric and static object libraries.
Autodesk civil view for 3ds max design 2015 free download.Autodesk Civil View (3ds Max Design)
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