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– 「Logic Pro」をMac App Storeで
To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Title sort of gives нажмите для продолжения current state.
I owned Logic Pro but needed to re-purchase Finally got around to it but now I am forced to buy a new computer if I am to own Logic Pro X version This would suffice and familiarize me with Logic again while I fund a new MAc to run the newer version on. Posted on Jan 5, AM. Hi James, if I understand your question correctly, you just need access to a Mac with at least macOS Once you make the purchase, you should be able to download and install the most recent available version of Logic for your current version of OSX i.
El Capitan. So, that being said, if you have a trusted friend with a Mac running macOS Sierra or higher, you can /34613.txt this off. Just a note though, you must use your own Apple ID when making a purchase, as the app ownership is now tied to Apple Donwload.
Jan 6, PM. Page content loaded. Question: Q: download logic pro Communities Get Support. Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. Browse Search. Ask a question. User profile for user: jamesOdad jamesOdad Audio Speciality level out of ten: 0. Question: Q: Question: Q: download logic pro Thanks, James. More Less. Reply I have this question too 27 I have this question too Me too 27 Me too. Helpful answers Drop Down menu. Apple ID Speciality level out of ten: 0. View apple logic pro x el capitan free download in context.
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