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Justice B urton. W e appoint that Presentm ent Sessions shall be held at the follow ing tim es and places and for the follow ing Baronies betw een th e hours o f T w elve o Clock at noon and F ive o ‘clo ck in th e afternoon o f each day respectively, preparatory to the next G eneral A ssizes, viz : T h e R i g h t H o n.
A t A rdee, on M onday, the 6th D ec. A t D unleer, on W ednesday the 4 hazel grove louth free download D ec. Thomas Fortescue, Esq. Francis D onagh, Esq. B layney T ow nley 4 hazel grove louth free download, ju. Нажмите для деталей yles W m. O R eilly, Esq. Richard M. B ellew, E sq. Thom as Fitzgerald, Esq.
A t Ravensdale, on Friday the 10th D ec. W illiam Filgate, Esq. John W oolsey, Esq. A t D undalk, on Saturday the 11th D ec. G eorge M acartney, Esq. Jacob C. M urphy, Esq. Как сообщается здесь as Lee Norman, Esq. John M urphy, Esq. Janies W. Thom as Wm. F ilgate, Esq.
L ew is Upton, Louth Esq. County Archives Sec. Frederick John Foster, Esq. John Jam es B igger, E sq. W e fix and determ ine that the 4 hazel grove louth free download ber of Persons to be associated with the Justices o f the several Presentm ent Sessions for the John McClintock, jun.
John W ynne, E sq. George Taaffe, Esq. F or Ferrard Barony E ight. For D rogheda Barony Five. For Louth Barony Six. F or L ow er D undalk Barony, Six. For Upper Dundalk Barony, S ix. H igh-sheriff. A n il from the follow ing lists containing double the sam e num ber o f persons who have paid the greatest am ount of Grand Узнать больше здесь 4 hazel grove louth free download selected from the C ess Collectors returns agreeably to he 8th Section o f the th Chapter o f the 6th and 7th W m.
N icholas Callan, D ow dstow n. O Reilly, Thom astown. Jam es Foster, Rathescar. Thom as K eenan, Baltrasna. A lexander H enry, Stickillen. Jam es D ullaghan, M ayne. Christopher Jordan, Drogheda. John Henry, Richardstown. M /41232.txt M acan, Greenm ount.
M athew Callan, Drum cashell. M ichael Boylan, Blakestown. John H alfpenny. Jam es G reen, M ullacloe. Archibald Doran, Harristown. M ichael Brennan, Drumcashell. Laurence Kieran, Funshog. Michael Chester, Stonehouse. John Dolan, Dyzart. William Delap, Monasterboice. John Carney, Boynview. Leland, Moneymore, George Harper, Killineer. Isaiah Moore, Killineer. Robert Thompson, Killineer.
Patrick Penthony, Drybridge. Patrick Marron, Killaly. Thomas Sherrard, Marlagh. James Hughes, Clonmore. Dennis Rath, Clogher. Patrick Marron, Littlegrange.
Robert Bredin, Mellifont. Patrick Heeney, Tenure. William Roy, Carntown. John Collins, Moneymore. Patrick White, Yellow batter. Patrick McDaniel, Killineer. James Jeffers, Moneymore. Louth County We appoint Archives that the County Surveyor shall keep an office open for his regular attendance on business within the Town of Dundalk.
We appoint that copies of the Schedules of applications made at each such Sessions as aforesaid be printed and distributed by the Secretary of the Grand Jury. Sec We appoint the following persons to be Collectors of the Public Monies, granted at this Assizes, for their respective Baronies, viz. For Ardee Barony, Mr. Thomas Harman. For Ferrard Barony, Mr. James Simpson. For Drogheda Barony, Mr.
For Louth Barony, Mr. John Morgan. For Upper Dundalk Barony, Mr. James 5ghz driver windows 10 free download. For Lower Dundalk Barony, 4 hazel grove louth free download.
Right Hon. Bellingham, Bart. John James Bigger, Esq. Lewis Upton, Esq. Sec Geo 4, Chap Bellew, Esq. Graham Johnston, Esq. John Townley, Esq. James Tipping, Esq. Thomas Больше информации, Esq. William Kilpatrick, Esq. Protestant Chaplain Rev.